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Free on 23rd - 24th Nov 15
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Everyone needs a car but everyone hates the buying process!

Without a doubt, nobody likes the process of buying cars. Aside from the fact that you’re about to make a major purchase, it can be downright scary if you don’t really understand what you’re doing. There are so many ways you could get ripped-off or overpay, even by thousands of dollars! To make matters worse, you could end up buying a car that has major problems if you don’t know the warning signs to look for.

Learn a step-by-step plan for screening used-cars before you even leave home

All you need is a general idea of the type of car you want. 80% of your research should be done from home, and only visit the small handful of cars you might actually buy. This book teaches you a step-by-step plan for screening out all the junk from online sellers in plain language. The good cars have nothing to hide, so they freely share all the pre-purchase information you need. You will learn how to ask the right questions up front and spot potential problems you don’t want. You do not need to have any technical car knowledge to find and purchase a great used-car!

Find out what a car is really worth before you make an offer

Knowing what a car is actually worth is very empowering. Don’t let sellers try to convince you that their vehicle should be more than what you know it’s worth. Learn how to confidently offer a specific purchase price and walk-away from bad deals. I will teach you how to negotiate a fair price to the seller, explaining exactly how you arrived at the car’s worth.

Save a ton of money by letting your car pay YOU each month!

It may sound strange to think you could be pocketing money each and every month from your car… but that is exactly what happens when you get yourself into a safe, reliable used-car! Don’t make the mistake of buying from a dealership that tries to rope you into loan payments! Most people do not realize how easy it is to find a good car for many thousands less than what a dealer would make you pay. You don’t want to be paying for your car month-after-month for years – pay yourself instead!

This book is packed with useful information covering every aspect of buying a used-car. Use this advice like a checklist every step of the way so you won’t forget anything important. The chapters are ordered in a logical way that mirrors the process I use to buy my own cars:Chapter 1: How to make your car PAY YOU each monthNew vs. Lease vs. UsedGetting out of a loan you already haveChapter 2: Research the best used-cars from your couchFinding a decent used car cheapWhere to start your search for used vehiclesTips for screening Craigslist offeringsFilter private-party only with price rangeInitial screen for prospective buysLookup the current fair valueChapter 3: Visit only cream-of-the-crop cars you findMeeting sellers and inspecting vehiclesTest drive the car to get a good feelRed flags and warning signs to bewareChapter 4: Complete your due diligence before making an offerResearch the vehicle history recordsSpecial note about “salvage” or “total loss” titlesHire a local mechanic or bring a friendRegional government inspectionFinal comparisons and gut feelingsChapter 5: Negotiating the saleKeep the bluebook target in mindBe willing to walk away from some dealsTitle and notary requirements

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Free on 23rd - 24th Nov 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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