ONE OF THE most challenging aspects of life is difficulty of anticipating and managing our relationships with other people. Whether we’re looking for love, dealing with the complexities of marriage, seeking a reliable business partner, or coping with a co-worker, our relationships seem to be ruled by some mysterious chemistry that causes us to get along easily with some and pits us contentiously against others. It’s only natural for us to seek some key to this mysterious chemistry. If only we had a practical, easy-to-grasp method that enabled us to make informed choices regarding our relationships! Well, there is such a method, and it is detailed in Card Chemistry: The Secret Science of Relationships. Stefan G. Meyer has come up with a method of understanding relationships that almost anyone can easily understand and practice. He offers an immersion course in this system, including step-by-step instructions and real-life examples that can enable you to become the interpreter of your own relationships.
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