
Free on 23rd - 27th May 16
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“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.”

– Ralph Waldo Emerson

You have your degree in hand, but now what? Are you still looking for a job? Or do you already have a job, but hate it?

College graduates are graduating by the millions each year with a large majority not having a clue what to do with their career after college. Are you one of them?

What’s the Plan After College?

Forget the career planning or career mapping–you just need a job, right?

Not to mention the career coaching or career counseling–you just need a job, right?

Don’t get sucked into this trap. Know what you want to do with your career. Your career development starts now.

Whether you have a job already or not, YOU MUST START NOW.

Whether you are 2 weeks out of college or 5 years, YOU MUST START NOW.

Whether you haven’t even graduated yet or are not even going to college, YOU MUST START NOW.

Career Development? Career Planning? Career Counseling? What are you looking for?

In this book, Career OnRamp: 19 Career Paths for Recent College Graduates, we explore the different career options college graduates or college students have after graduation.

The book is not meant to be a tactical tutorial on how to land a job, how to write a resume, or how to interview, but rather how to make your career dreams a reality.

In a world filled with options, careers are no different. The only problem is that we don’t always no where to begin. Career OnRamp seeks to exercise your right brain and creatively explore the different career paths you might be able to take on.

So, what are you waiting for? Now is the time to make your career dreams become a reality. You just need to start seeing the true options first.

Who Is This Book For?

College graduates, young professionals, or college students that would most benefit from this book are:

Present college students looking into career planning

Present college students looking to pay for school while they are still attending school

Present college students about to graduate from college with no plans

Recent college graduates who are stuck in their low-paying fast-food job

Recent college graduates who are still interning and looking for their next career move

Recent college graduates still living at home with their parents and ready to fly the coop

Recent college graduates who always dreamed their was more to just working 9-to-5

Recent college graduates who just feel stuck

So, where are you at? Are you ready to spread your wings and make your career dreams become a reality?

Let’s go make it happen? What do you have to lose?

Free on 23rd - 27th May 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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