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Free on 7th Feb 15
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Cat Books For Kids: Play the Kittens Game (Kittens Book 1) is the newest interactive digital book from The Animal Detective. Following in the footsteps of his previous popular interactive animal books such as Dog Books For Kids: Play the Puppies Game and Shark Books For Kids: Play the Sharks Game (both available in the Kindle Store), this is the first book in a series of cat books for children that features not only some great pictures of kittens and fascinating facts, but also this kitten book is interactive meaning that children are playing a game while they learn, something not usually found in kitten books for kids. *Yet another cool feature not often found in other cat books for kids 9-12 are the links to some amazing kitten videos found at the end of the book.

Although this cat book is recommended for older children, with parent help reading the clues, younger children can enjoy playing the game, looking at the pictures and viewing some very funny kitten videos too!

Kids, here is how the quiz game works. To start the quiz game, you will be presented with a series of clues about a type or breed of cat. Next you will be shown a series of really CUTE pictures of kittens. Your job will be to correctly guess which one of the kittens shown belongs to the breed of cat talked about in the clues. Now I have to warn you, some of these cute kittens may not look like their parents yet, depending on when the picture was taken. So you may need to take some wild guesses, but who cares! It is just a game and even if wrong you can keep guessing until you get the correct cat breed. Once you are successful, you will be taken to a new page with “5-KItten Facts” about this cat breed. So not only are you playing a game, but at the same time you are learning about different breeds of cats. Now how cool is that?

Once you “Play the Kittens Game” a few times you will begin to remember even some of the harder cat breeds to identify and then it is time to challenge your friends, brother or sister, or even mom and dad! See who can go through this book about cats and correctly identify each kitten with the fewest number of guesses. There are 15 breeds of cats in this book, which means that 15 guesses would be a perfect score.

Here is a list of some of the cat (kitten) types that you will encounter in this book. Some you may already know about or perhaps you even own this breed of cat. Other types of cats you may have never even heard of before which makes it even more challenging.




Cornish Rex

Egyptian Mau

And still 10 more breeds of cats to go!

If you are ready and up to the try the “Kitten Challenge”, then Cat Books For Kids: Play the Kittens Game (Kittens Book 1) is waiting just for you!

Reminder: Be sure to watch the collection of cute kitten videos at the end of the book!

Free on 7th Feb 15
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