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Free on 23rd - 27th Aug 24
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Catford, South-east London, 2003. Miles Askew, charming but feckless, works for a small-time private investigation agency. Born to privilege, at 38 his career and relationships are a car crash.

One August weekend Miles? easy existence is obliterated when a lover gives him an alarming ultimatum, and a seemingly straightforward investigation into local greyhound racing erupts with the suspicious death of a colleague.

As Miles desperately grapples for atonement and justice, he is forced to confront both ruthless criminal conspirators and his own conflicted loyalties. Bribery, blackmail and violent death play out against a shifting social backdrop of Blair?s England and Catford?s criminal past, and Miles finds the odds of escaping unscathed increasingly stacked against him.

Free on 23rd - 27th Aug 24
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