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Discover How to Easily Activate and Balance Your Chakras to Build a Strong Character and a Better Life!

Chakras are powerful vortices of energy that can open up parts of your brain and help you become a well rounded person. The only problem is that the concepts of Chakras and Kundalini are highly misunderstood. These concepts are extremely popular in the New Age movement but everyone seems to have their own interpretation of what Chakras are and what they are supposed to do. With such an avalanche of information, it can be hard to decode what Chakras truly are and how to use them in the right way.

In this book I have attempted to present all the information about Chakras in a logical and sensible way. I have demystified the concept and linked it to character development in such a way that you can easily understand the benefits of balancing each Chakra.

I have focused on character development because that is the most basic form of self improvement. If you work on your character you can change yourself from the deepest core in such a way that you can achieve lasting success. In the end, the only thing that separates winners from losers is their character. A strong character can withstand any obstacle that comes its way and rise above every failure that would leave a lesser character in ruins.

Chakras can direct subtle energy to the physical body and open areas of the brain that will help you develop character traits that you never thought you could emulate. Chakras can be balanced and a strong character developed at any age. You just need the will to change and the correct know how to open and balance each Chakra.

This book will give you all the information you need to know about Chakras and how to balance them.

Here’s what you’ll learn in this book…

==>What Chakras actually are

==>What Kundalini is

==>How Chakra balancing is different from Kundalini awakening

==>The connection of each Chakra with the corresponding endocrinal gland and how it affects the physical body

==>The connection of each Chakra with mental attributes and how it affects the personality

==>The character traits that are related to each Chakra

==>How to open and balance each Chakra

==>Discover the position of each of your own Chakra with an in-depth quiz

==>Plus, so much more…

After reading this book you’ll see everything through the eyes of the Chakra theory. You’ll understand the reason behind everything you do, how you feel and how others behave. And most importantly you’ll be able to develop a strong well rounded character that will prepare you to achieve all the success in the world.

Would you like to learn more?

==>Scroll up and click the buy button to get your copy now.

Free on 31st Mar 15 - 4th Apr 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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