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Welcome to the Ultimate Guide on How to Play Chess!

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Ever wished for a greater understanding of the game of chess?

Have you ever wanted to learn how to play so that you can truly enjoy the game, instead of being frustrated?

Then this is the book for you! Learn what chess was used for and how the lessons it can teach are still being used today. Understand what each individual chess piece is for and how it can be moved. Get a basic overview of the rules and how they apply to any chess game. If you love strategy games and appreciate the challenge of reaching checkmate, then this book will help you to learn the moves you need to trap your opponent’s king.

Take on the challenge of becoming a chess player using this book to give you a solid foundation of the basics. Chess might seem harder to play than checkers, but once you understand the moves and the rules, it can be truly enjoyable!

Learn about the various phases of a chess game and the difference between tactics and strategy. Chess is a game that stretches the mind, forcing the players to create a strategy and then circumnavigate the board with various moves. Then learn how these moves affect or change your overall strategy. Tactics are based on the actual moves being used and what are possible defenses are available. The two work together to give you a long range view of the game, plus a short term reactionary outlook from move to move.

Looking for solid opening moves and defenses? This book covers not only 10 of the most popular openings and defenses of chess, but also gives some variations of these moves. Learn the popular battle moves for the middle game, plus options for your endgame that strips the king of all defenses. Get a clear description of what it means to have a draw in chess and how it is achieved. Ever wonder how a forfeit can be the result of a chess game? This book shows you how a forfeit can occur, as well as come to know the amount of respect built into the game of chess.

Queen’s Gambit, Pirc Defense and many other moves are discussed and the notations are given so you can try them yourself! Using this guide, you’ll not only have a better appreciation of the rules and strategies, but also learn practical moves and what implementing them means to the overall strategy of the game.

Ever wondered what all those numbers and letters mean? Learn the notation system of chess, giving yourself the ability to traverse the board with an assortment of plays and strategies.

For every beginner in the world of chess, this is a great book to help you learn to steer through the world of chess, introducing you to the pieces, positions and a few moves.

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Free on 22nd - 26th Jun 15
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