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Do you want a baby but dread of painful childbirth? Are you frightened by awful childbirth stories from your mother and friends and pictures of crying women in childbirth on TV? It’s time to bust all the myths, fears, and just began to do something – physically and psychologically. What exactly? I’ll tell you according to experience of all happy mothers.

The formula “childbirth = pain” has already become an axiom – a statement that everyone believes is true and does not require evidence. In fact fear of labor pain is the second on the scale and scope of women’s minds after the fear for your own and the baby’s health. Fear of childbirth causes many women to postpone desirable motherhood year after year “for later”. And thinking about a second child is even scarier – because you will need to give birth! Real social scourge!

Just think for a second: any animal – cat, deer, bear, and squirrel – gives birth to their babies peacefully, quietly, on their own, outside any serious difficulty and suffering. Woman – the Crown of Creation, the most perfect being on the Earth – is somehow doomed to childbirth full of danger and suffering! This absurd situation makes us wonder, whether birth should really be like that?

The idea that childbirth is a painful process is incredibly stable, and usually no one doubts it may not be otherwise. Often the only hope lies with modern medicine, armed with lots of painkillers. Indeed, there are many ways to save woman from physical suffering during childbirth, but it is not the absolute “goodbye” to pain. Unfortunately, things are not so simple. The medicinal pain relief has many negative effects for both mom and baby. This is why the recommendations of the World Health Organization is that painkillers and anesthetic drugs should be avoided during labor without strict medical indications.

So does it mean, woman are doomed to the inevitable suffering while giving birth? Not at all. This book will tell you the sources of childbirth fear and how to deal with them, how to ease the physical discomfort (there will be no more definition for you as pain) during childbirth in practice. Most of the advice applies psychological training, because without it even a well physically prepared pregnant woman can panic and just be afraid of childbirth, thus will not be able to give birth painlessly.

Free on 24th - 26th Dec 15
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