Children’s Virtues by Melissa Jones, will teach your child the importance of 26 Virtues such as ethics, forgiveness, thankfulness, and so much more! Your child will love the characters, stories, and lessons taught in Children’s Virtues. They also will be simultaneously learning the alphabet and important character building traits!
N is for Nobility teaches your child the importance of being kind and proud of who they are!
Be sure to check out the Children’s Virtues Series of 26 Character Building Books!
Princesse Darla et la Licorne Magique: Une belle histoire du soir pour s'endormir (Les chroniques de...
La princesa Darla y el unicornio mágico: Un cuento infantil sobre aventuras, unicornios y princesas ...
Crumbs on the Stairs: A Mystery (Mini-mysteries for Minors Book 2)
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