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Free on 1st - 5th May 16
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The Great Cholesterol Hoax: Why Cholesterol Lowering Drugs Won’t Help You Live One Day Longer And Drug Companies Know It

Today only, get this amazingly informative and very popular book on cholesterol for just $2.99. Regularly priced at $4.99. Read on your PC, Mac, smart phone, tablet or Kindle device.

What if everything you’ve been told about cholesterol was lie, invented to benefit the drug makers?

You are about to discover the real truth behind America’s number #1 killer today that outweighs all cancers combined as the country’s biggest mass murderer to date. Over 600,000 people a year are killed by heart attacks.

Cholesterol medicine (statins) are now the world’s most-prescribed form of medications. It is estimated that one in four Americans over the age of 45 (and over 7 million people in the U.K.) are now taking statin drugs as a form of “preventive medicine” against heart attacks and strokes.

Despite the fact that 25% of the population takes expensive statin medications and despite the fact we have reduced the fat content of our diets, more Americans will die this year of heart disease than ever before.

What your are about to learn will disgust you…And it will probably shock you to the core as the full realization finally dawns on you.

You’ll discover how our most trusted health officials already know there is a proven way to reverse your risk of a heart attack without statins. And how they don’t want you to know this eye-opening truth because they stand to lose $230 Billion a year that depends on your pain and suffering.

In this book we will make 2 things very clear:

1) Cholesterol is NOT the culprit in heart disease

2) Statins will not prevent you from having a heart disease, heart attack or stroke.

You will see how the drug companies own research proves it. In fact, according to the pharmaceutical industry’s own studies, statins reduce heart attack and stroke risk virtually the same as following an aspirin regimen.

In addition, you’ll learn how potentially lethal heart disease is actually INCREASED with statin drug use. And how having too little cholesterol in your body is an even bigger risk for having a stroke and other serious diseases. Indeed, the cholesterol scare is the greatest medical hoax to have ever been perpetrated on the masses.

Have You ever wondered the REAL reason why you haven’t been able to lower cholesterol by changing your diet?

What if you discovered that the foods you’ve been told for years were “heart healthy” are the very foods raising your cholesterol and causing heart disease? And the foods you’ve been avoiding for years because you were told they are ‘bad’ for us, has actually put you at serious risk for a stroke

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

How drug companies legally lie to you with claims like New Drug Cuts Heart Disease Risk by 50% when it’s really only 2%Discover what most doctors forget to tell patients about their statin prescriptions that could end up killing them.Find out how you’re more likely to die from statin side effects than preventing a heart attack.The myth about cholesterol rich foods and why you should be eating them.How doctors rush you to get on statins but how it takes years until you see any benefit, if ever.A natural, safe, inexpensive anti-oxidant with heart protective properties so powerful, it blows statins out of the water.Which cancer was shown to double for patients taking statins over a 10 year period3 Foods that skyrocket your HDL (good cholesterol)Proof that statins cause heart attacks -the very same condition they are trying to prevent.Much, much more!

Tags: Cholesterol cure, Cholesterol myth, Cholesterol con, Cholesterol diet, Cholesterol solution, heart disease, h

Free on 1st - 5th May 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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