This story can be best categorised as business fiction. The story is making an effort to talk about, ruthless dog eat dog world of business, the way relationships have changed, the catalyst for this change, understanding people behaviour at the work places, interplay of two great qualities passion and smartness in organisations, the tricks that people play with people sometimes in organisations, dirty lanes and narrow corridors of the organisations and the ever present dilemma for the working executive, should I work for me or should I work for someone else.
The book is also very briefly about me, the personal mistakes I did during my career of a decade. While I turn back and look, I see a lot of ‘corrections’ that I could have effected in my personal life much earlier. May be this experience sharing give an opportunity to you to do the same.
For a student of business, this is a report, an observation from the great people lab that is India. And like every science student knows, there is always a gap between the theory and the practise. Here you re-read some of the ‘philosophies’ you learn in your institutes, but I am sure some of them will be new. And some of them is not what they teach in the universities.
For sales and marketing folks, you are my Alma matter and my humble effort is to help you understand some of the back room dramas.
If I mentions a brief synopsis about the book, it will read as follows…..
What feelings and emotions does one go through when some one loses his job all on a sudden. Have you ever clung on to your family when you were in dire stress? A self confession is an act that is often done in private. And always an excellant list of errors, if made known, some one else has an oppurtunity to avoid making the mistakes. Do you beleive in signs and miracles . I did not till it happened with me. And you will not, till it happen in your life. I promise, you are not going to see your colleague in the same way you did after reading this book. Please do not start bucketing and stereotyping your freinds which can be an after-effect of reading this book. And following are some of the questions that the author is trying to discuss with his audience. Two great qualities; Passion and Smartness. Which is more important and which one carry more weight in organisations? How do forests come alive in board rooms and cubicles? How deep should you trust your leader? Is he truely leading the team or charting a course for himself? Are you on a fertile ground or on a treacherous swamp? What is that lurking below the obvious? When the subtle is unravelled and the tricks are de-mystified, is the comfort still there? How the dirty job is done? The greatest dilemma of the working executives. Should I work for self or should I work for someone else? When should one take that big jump? How to ensure landing on four legs after the big jump?
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