Would you like to have clean and healthy skin in just 10 days?
Almost everyone dreams of having that smooth and dewy complexion of models and celebrities in glossy magazines. Whether it is the product of perfect genetic make-up, good eating habits and a healthy lifestyle, or the wonders of Photoshop, achieving clean and clear skin has been in the to-do list of men and women.
With this book, not only will you learn the secrets to a fairer complexion, but you will also know how it could be possible in just 10 days! This book is designed to help you by means of stages, like:
1. Knowing the basics of skincare;
2. Being privy to the best skincare products in the market;
3. Eating foods that contribute to glowing and wrinkle-free skin; and
4. Following no-nonsense advice from dermatologists and beauty experts.
Don’t stay in the dark forever. Buy this book now and reward yourself with radiant skin in no time!
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