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Your Definitive Guide to Communication Skills!

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Do you wish you had more friends? Is your love life as good as it could be? Do you wish you had a better job? Could you family relationships be better?

In Salma Stockdale’s latest work Communication Skills – The Definitive Guide to Effectively Improving Your Social Skills, Boundaries, Mind Control and Public Speaking, You not only learn what communication skills are, but how to apply it in your life to better your relationships with everyone.:

o The Essence of Communication Skills

o Mindfulness

o Emotional Intelligence

o Social Intelligence

o Mind Control

o Boundaries

o Public speaking

First, Mrs. Stockdale explains what communication skills are. True, all of us have at least a little of this sense, but some of us have a great deal of it. These people are popular, enjoying many friendships and usually dating quite a bit. Mrs. Stockdale explains why this is, so we have a framework to improve our own social intelligence score.

Mrs. Stockdale starts with an interesting but sensible premise: that we cannot relate closely with others while we are consumed with our own stressors. Therefore, in order to develop social acumen, we must seek to control the stress in our lives.

Interestingly, those who have delved into the subject of meditation will find some reading and exercises on practicing mindfulness as a method to improve your communication skills. Mrs. Stockdale explains that mindfulness helps us to observe things and others closely, an important part of communication skills.

Then Mrs. Stockdale takes us into the application of communication skills. This valuable sense can be applied in many situations, but foremost in relationships that need improvement, either personal or professional. In these relationships, we can closely observe all of the signals that person is sending out, so we can try to identify what they are feeling.

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Once we feel we can estimate what they are feeling, we can then adjust our behavior to be of help to them in their state. For example, if we sense that a friend is feeling stressed and overwhelmed, we can speak softly and slowly. We can offer to put aside what we are working on and offer to help, or even just listen while our friends vents.

Mrs. Stockdale shows us how to apply these skills to our extended family members, which are inherently more difficult because these relatives we don’t interact with as often as our immediate family members. By focusing specifically on their behaviors, we can figure out how best to respond to them in a way that builds the relationship.

Professional relationships are especially tricky, because we want to stay within the lines of professionalism. Again, communication skills comes to our rescue. We want to focus on the clues our bosses and co-workers are giving us that help us to respond to them in the most helpful way possible. Mrs. Stockdale even helps us to practice our communication skills in groups, and not just one-on-one.

Mrs. Stockdale has written an insightful book on communication skills that is packed with exercises and mini “assignments” to help anyone develop a deeper sensibility of how to relate to just about anyone.

Just scroll to the top of the page and select the Buy Button. Download Your Copy TODAY!

Free on 1st - 5th Dec 16
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