
Free on 20th - 22nd Feb 15
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“Composting: The easy solution to the problem of organic waste disposal and soil enrichment with out spending a lot of money”

This new organic gardening guide breaks down the various composting styles and their methods of usage to provide the essentials to the new and experienced gardener alike. This report will have you on your way to that bountiful harvest that will help feed you and your family while adding beautiful foliage to your home and outdoor areas.

You will be introduced to the following subjects:

Introducing compost bins, piles and tumblers. (which one is right for you and your location)

How to save money by constructing your own.
How to balance nitrogen and carbon rich materials without a calculator or scale.
Vermicomposting (worm farming) in your home. (don’t worry, the little critters will not invade your home)
Bokashi Composting which allows the composting of all organic kitchen waste, including meat, fish, dairy and pet feces.
How to keep your compost bins and piles trouble free and what to do if a problem does arise.
How to make or collect and use compost, worm and Bokashi tea. (liquid gold)
Curcurbit Composting

Mr. O’Halloron provides his readers with a thorough and informative guide of materials and creative, but time tested, techniques and procedures that lead the reader to an efficient and rewarding gardening experience. His description of personal experiences and research will guide you through all of the steps of the commonly used basics and explore various additional methods of indoor and outdoor compost gardening.

A Few Words From Reviewers:

Clear and linear to mastery! – The entire book was written with multiple options for composting and in varying situations, even if I was in a studio apartment in NYC! Being in education for over 10 years, I wanted to make a special note for how clear and linear the entire reading is. With instruction it can be difficult to head-off all potential questions but Black Gold Composting allows for many age levels and skill levels to achieve the same high level of success. This inexpensive reading can save a person a lot of money otherwise used buying soil and fertilizers as well as radically impact our landfills for the better!- Michael

Great Book! – Found this very interesting and easy to understand. O’Halloron is able to get you interested in this idea of composting and I am going to get started using the info in his book. – Dee

Very comprehensive! – I really liked that he covered every type of composting as well as ideas for the small gardener and avid big gardener. Various ideas where to buy what you need. Every aspect covered all in one place.- Nancy

This guide is the source you need whether you are a rural, suburban, urban or a boat dwelling resident and have a field, garden or use container growing.

In it you will find a method of composting tailored for your needs.
Start turning yard and garden waste into Black Gold and watch your ornamentals, fruits and vegetables flourish like never before while saving good money on fertilizer at the same time!

Pick up your copy and begin reading and saving now!

Free on 20th - 22nd Feb 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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