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Free on 27th Nov 16 - 1st Dec 16
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Discover How To Break Your Limiting Beliefs and Reach a Level of Confidence You Deserve

Here Is A Preview Of What You’ll Learn…

Recognize your DesiresDiscovere What’s Limiting YouSee Wishes for What They AreMeditation and How it can help YouAnd much, much more!

You may believe that your life is limited by your circumstances. We are often led to believe this and during our lives seem to fit ourselves into certain slots that society gives labels to. The problem with this kind of thinking is that it limits your possibilities. If you look through history, there are all kinds of people that stand out as being astounding because they didn’t let those limitations touch their lives. Who would have thought that a bank loan refusal was the first reaction that Bill Gates received when he approached a bank in order to develop his ideas? Thank heavens he had the sense not to be limited by what the bank thought! Otherwise, we may not be sitting here today, reading things on a computer.

It follows that your beliefs determine your level of success and if you want to live the kind of life that you feel you deserve, you have to stop limiting yourself and placing yourself within safe parameters all the time because the scope to be a success is there for everyone who makes the effort to become one. In this book, we delve into the types of things that are stopping you from becoming the best person you can be and most of it lies in the way that you perceive the world. Your mind is a very powerful tool and when you continually feed it negative feedback, you limit yourself entirely. Yet, people do that every day of their lives – that is until they discover the secret of letting go of those beliefs that limit them.

Throughout our lives, we have feedback from outside sources. We then pass that feedback on to our children and they, in turn, will do the same thing. However, what is fundamentally wrong with this system of teaching is that the teacher will always limit you and that’s really not what teaching should be about. It should be about developing independent thought that is based on a firm foundation because when it is, it’s a very powerful thing. Most people will tell you that they can’t do something because their circumstances don’t permit it. When asked why they don’t change their circumstances, they are bewildered. They do not have the inner strength to be able to do that and think that what they have in life is all they are likely to achieve.

That thinking is fundamentally wrong, because the mind is a power house of possibility and in this book, we are going to teach you what happens when you put limiting beliefs to one side and start to believe in your dreams, hopes and aspirations.

Take action right away and reach a confidence you deserve! Download this book for a limited time discount of only $0.99!

Free on 27th Nov 16 - 1st Dec 16
View on Amazon.co.uk


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