Have you ever been in a situation where even though you want to do something, a deep-rooted fear kept you from the pursuit? Have you ever had to speak in public, deliver a speech at your best friends’ wedding, or address a crowd of co-workers, but instead of being poised and delivering your speech with enviable articulation, you just clammed up? Do you feel awkward at parties? Do you feel as if you cannot express yourself effectively and this ‘failure’ is affecting your professional and personal well-being? Do you feel lonely because of failed attempts at making new connections? At the thought of being in a social setting, does nervousness overcome you?
If the answer to any of these questions is a yes, it is highly likely that you suffer from social anxiety and a lack confidence. Since you do not want anxiety to get the better of you, since you want to overcome it so you can be more confident and self-assured, this book is going to provide you with proven strategies that shall prove very effective at demolishing social anxiety and helping you build an empowered mindset and confidence.
In The Valley of Mystic Gods - Book One - A Chronical of Power
I'm a Product Of My Environment: Navigating the Path to Equity and Justice
The Science of Sleep: Your Guide to Restful Nights and a Happier, Healthier You
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