In the night sky of the Planet Jarufan, there is a constellation known as the Warrior. One star in particular is sacred to the Jarufani people. It is the centerpiece of the most significant prophecy in their religion. Humans know this star as Earth’s Sun.
The United Earth Alliance and the Jarufani Commonwealth remain in a cold war and skirmishes are becoming more and more frequent.
The Planet Placido has become the main hub for criminals and spies going back and forth between UEA and Jarufani territory. It might as well be a prison for the millions of people who’ve been forgotten in the conflict and don’t have the resources to leave.
Alondra Suarez is one of those forgotten people. The government that abandoned her long ago now needs her more than ever. Neither is ready, but both Suarez and a young pilot with the Earth Forces will have vital roles to play in this ongoing conflict.
Uprising: Time Travel Adventure in Medieval Wales (Girl Across Time Book 1)
Sundered Sky (Zirian Chronicles Book 1)
Midnight Wings: A Science Fiction Retelling of Cinderella. (Rove City Book 1)
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