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Free on 15th - 17th Jul 24
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While in a remote region of the Himalayas, explorer M.G. Hawking and his companions experience three encounters with individuals they believe to be the true “celestials” of ancient legends. Explore these extraordinary encounters and the profound knowledge they reveal.

The creation stories of cultures worldwide relate that their progenitors came from the sky, the stars, or the heavens. Ancient Egyptian texts speak of their “bringers of knowledge” coming from Orion and Sirius. Native Americans recount that their antecedents were the “Sky People” or “Star People.” Throughout South America there exists a richly analogous storehouse of legends describing the arrival of “Star Beings.”

The builders of Teotihuacan describe their gods as having descended from the heavens. The pre-Tibetan culture, the Mayan, the pre-Incan, the Sumerian, and so many others, all express the same story in diverse symbolic languages–their “gods” came from the stars, bringing advanced knowledge and the gift of civilization. Many of these cultures were greatly separated both geographically and chronologically, yet their creation stories are strikingly similar and, in some cases, essentially identical.

The prehistoric Brahmaic and Egyptian traditions relate that their mysterious “gods” and “bringers of knowledge” arrived in a “cosmic egg” radiating brilliant light, circa 18,000 B.C. The B’on theogony of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau’s ancient Zhang Zhung culture relates that their “king of the gods” arrived from the emptiness of space in a “resplendent jeweled egg” of “lha of bright light,” at which time “in the sky there appeared dazzling lights, melodious sounds in space, and many other wonderful occurrences.”

Are these ubiquitous traditions merely myths? Are they simply embellished legends passed down through generations beyond count? Or are they representative of some vaguely remembered and carefully preserved reality? Absent an ember, there can be no smoke; there is a kernel of truth in all such enduring creation stories and, especially in light of today’s astronomical knowledge, they cannot be easily, or wisely, dismissed.

Data from the Kepler Space Observatory indicates that our galaxy is home to some 40 billion “earth-like” planets (NASA Astrophysics Division, 2017). The Milky Way is one of an estimated two trillion galaxies in our Universe (Hubble Telescope Deep Field Survey, 2016), making an approximation of the number of “terrestrial” planets in the cosmos to be roughly 80 sextillion (an 8 with 22 zeros behind it). This suggests that the number of terrestrial planets in our Universe is sixteen times greater than the sum of all the grains of sand on all the beaches on Earth combined (JPL/Caltech, 2016).

Transcribed from the field notes of Hawking’s sixty-two months in the Himalayas, this book contains detailed narratives of the experiences he and his companions had with the actual Ri-iha-mo, the legendary Himalayan “celestials.” During their encounters, the Ri-iha-mo disclosed profound revelations about our Universe, our history, and our true nature, knowledge that can greatly assist in understanding ourselves, our world, and our role and power in creating precisely the life we desire.

An incomparable book for anyone interested in greatly expanding their knowledge and personal power, and deeply rewarding for those fascinated with the endless ancient accounts of extraterrestrial influences. December 2017 Release, Kindle e-reader page count 270 (estimated, actual count varies with the reading device used). For more information, please see the ‘Look Inside’ feature on this page. Thank you.

Library-Cataloging-Data: extraterrestrials, ancient mysteries, star people, star beings, visionary, esoteric knowledge, Ancient Egypt, arcane knowledge, metaphysical, esoteric, occult, secret knowledge, ancient legends

Free on 15th - 17th Jul 24
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