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Dealing With Someone Who Is Manipulative and Trying To Control You

All of us have dealt at one time or another with controlling people. Quite surely, it is an experience that is neither pleasant nor empowering. More often than not, they leave scars that are not so easily forgotten.

Some of the people in our lives seek to control or manipulate us due to various motives. They affect us significantly especially if they are our loved ones, mother, father, husband, wife, or the co-workers we have to deal with everyday. What are the characteristics of these personalities and how can we identify them? How do we deal with them and turn negative relationships and interactions into positive ones? This book is focused on answering these questions.

Here Are a Few Things From The Book Manipulative & Controlling People

In order to detect a relationship where one person has unhealthy control over another, it is important to understand how to spot theses people.

Control freaks can be detected by theses behaviors:

They want to change who you areThey are overly giving in the beginning of the relationshipThey don’t like you to question themThey Isolate their partners from their friends and familyThey’re liarsPossibly a narcissist or codependent personalityThey degrade your self-esteem and confidenceThey are overly critical of othersThey are insanely jealousThey are unaware of their behavior

Controlling personalities are people who want to stay in control. In particular, they love controlling other people. These people often tend to have issues regarding co-dependency; they tend to rely on the controlling ability they have over you so that they can gain a measure of self-confidence and self-security.

The downside on your part in this relationship is that it makes you feel that you have lost control over your own actions and even your own self. You lose your independence and the relationship makes you feel as if you’re under the other person’s thumb. In the process, you may even lose your self-esteem.

After reading this book, you will know how to deal with the person in your life that is trying to control you. Get it now while it still being offered at this introductory price!

Tags: controlling people, manipulative people, dealing with controlling and manipulative people,controlling husband, controlling wife, controlling spouse, dealing with control freaks controlling boss, stop being controlled, codependency, narcissim

Free on 14th - 16th Mar 15
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