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Free on 28th Jun 15 - 2nd Jul 15
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Ultimate Barbecue and Grilling for Beginners: The Super Best Outdoor Barbecue and Grilling Handbook for Everyone + Cooking for One Cookbook for Beginners: The Ultimate Recipe Cookbook for Cooking for One!


Barbecue & Grilling

It’s good to go outside and have some party…what’s even better is if you have a barbecue party with your family and friends and fun just doesn’t stop until the night is over. There’s no need for a chef to teach you and you don’t need to attend a cooking class to be able to make your barbecue party fun and enjoyable. The secret lies in your ability to turn a simple party into a marvelous one and this eBook will definitely show you some tips, skills, and techniques you can learn easily.

This eBook provides definitions of the terms commonly used in grilling and barbecue as well as safety tips that every beginner has to know. There will also be sample recipes you can choose from and try for yourself. So whether it is a simple barbeque party with friends or family or a romantic date with your special someone on a camping trip, this eBook will definitely not let you down.

Barbecue Topics Covered…

Definitions and Significant TermsTools and EquipmentSkills and Techniques to MasterGrilling and Barbecue Tips from the ExpertsBest Grilling and Barbecue RecipesSafety TipsMuch, much more!

Cooking for One

You got this book for a reason: you are tired of microwave TV dinners, canned food and unhealthy takeouts. You want to enjoy fast, delicious, cheap and healthy meals that will make eating alone a worthwhile experience. Well, good news, for this book will guide you through the journey of healthier eating!

From now on, your kitchen will be your best friend. If there is something about your kitchen that you don’t like (such as the paint on the walls) then go ahead and change it. You will be spending a bit more time in this part of your home so why not make it a fun experience every time.

One big advantage of cooking for one is that dish washing won’t be such a chore. All you will ever need is one pair of cutlery, one bowl, one plate, one cup and one glass. And just because you’re cooking for one does not make it a rush all of the time. Dedicate a table and a chair to be your dining area, spread an attractive tablecloth over it and place a vase with some fresh cut flowers in it. Create a playlist to serve as your background music while you are eating to set the right ambiance. Hang a lantern over a light bulb to set the mood for eating at home.

The dining experience aside, you will want to have the sharpest equipment at hand in your kitchen in order to prepare your meals.

Topics Covered…

Important “Cooking for One” TipsFast and Easy Breakfast RecipesLunchbox-Ready Lunch RecipesClassic and Delectable Dinner RecipesScrumptious and Healthy Snack and Dessert RecipesMuch, much more!

Download your copy today!

Free on 28th Jun 15 - 2nd Jul 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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