Author: Genre: Length: Epic

Free on 24th - 26th Apr 18
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Book One.

It’s amazing, how something so simple as getting up out of bed can change your life.
If I had stayed in bed, and not gone on that school trip, my life would have been so different. But I did get up, and I did go on that school trip. My life will never be the same again.
I will never be the same, and the world will bear witness to that change.
But I didn’t know what was coming my way as I stared out of the school bus at the pine trees as we drove by.
I wasn’t thinking about anything dramatic. I was just looking forward to a nice thanksgiving dinner when I got back.
But something was set in motion that day that I was powerless to prevent.
I was only sixteen, and still in a wheelchair back then. I had no idea what was about to happen.
A field trip to Washington D.C., what could happen?
This is my story.
Who am I?
I’m Cosmic Girl.

Britney Brookes was just an ordinary sixteen-year old girl who couldn’t walk.
But when Britney and her school friends are kidnapped and experimented on, they are given extraordinary powers.
When they break free and tell the police about their kidnapping, they and the F.B.I. find no leads to pursue, just some dead bodies, Britney vows to find the shadowy figure behind it all, and begins her own investigation.
Back home in Chicago, she creates a costume, and gives herself a new name.
Cosmic Girl.
Then her search begins.
But this is more than just a thirst for justice.
This is personal.

Experience the highs and lows of being a superhero through the eyes of Cosmic Girl, as she embarks on her journey to greatness.

Be a hero and grab a copy today.

Free on 24th - 26th Apr 18
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