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The Paleo Diet and Intermittent Fasting

Best selling author and weight loss coach Darrin Wiggins believes the Paleo diet is one of the easiest diets to follow to improve your health and lose weight. Even the word diet is a misrepresentation of what going Paleo really means. It is a lifestyle, not the latest fad, that when followed will change your life.

Also known as primal eating, the caveman diet or the hunter-gatherer diet, the Paleo diet is the very foundation our nutritional knowledge was built on. Over the last 10,000 years that foundation has been replaced with nutritional confusion and misleading advertising. But people are becoming very aware of what is happening and taking a stand for their health.

No longer will people idly stand by and let processed foods rob them of their health and happiness. They are raising their proverbial caveman clubs and ready to fight the enemy before them. Soon it will be organic farmers getting rich and supporting the Olympics not a fast food restaurant. 

The Optimum Health Diet

Losing excess weight is the first step towards improving the quality of your life. This book is designed to help beginners understand the Paleo diet and includes intermittent fasting for the advanced Paleo users.

There are numerous proven health benefits to following a Paleo diet. Being processed food free and by focusing on organic produce consumption, it boosts your immune system and stabilizes your blood sugar. You can decrease the chances of food intolerance related conditions because the Paleo diet contains very few foods that are known to cause allergies like peanuts and gluten.

There are many experts that feel the Paleo diet can also help avoid developing diseases like cancer, Alzheimer’s, heart disease, diabetes and numerous other illnesses. This makes trying the Paleo diet a must if optimum health is your goal.

What You Will Find Inside

  • Every Paleo safe food you could ever want to know
  • What foods you absolutely need to avoid 
  • How to combine intermittent fasting and the Paleo diet for maximum health and weight loss
  • 36 easy to make Paleo recipes to get you started
  • Why you should include fermented foods in your Paleo diet

The Paleo diet will finally make sense and you will understand why so many people are raving about how great Paleo is.

Going Paleo

Cracking The Paleo Diet Code will show you everything you need to know to transition from your current lifestyle to the Paleo lifestyle. Making the transition from a processed and preservative rich diet to the whole foods that make up the Paleo diet will not be all sunshine and rainbows. Darrin does not shy away from this fact and shares openly what you may experience for side effects when switching to Paleo.

Every aspect of the Paleo diet is explained giving you the information you need to make going Paleo almost feel effortless. You will discover how easy it is to combine intermittent fasting with Paleo when you are ready to take your weight loss to the next level.

With Darrin’s entertaining and informative book on the Paleo diet you are going to achieve your weight loss goals, become healthier and radically change your life. Scroll up and grab your copy today.

Free on 26th Jan 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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