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Discover The Quality That All Successful People Share – Creativity

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination – Albert Einstein

What is one of the secrets of success? Creativity! The ability to come at problems from fresh angles or come up with ideas that no one has seemingly thought of before is one of the hallmarks of all successful people. As George Bernard Shaw put it “Imagination is the beginning of creation. You imagine what you desire, you will want what you imagine, and at last, you create what you will.” How can you be successful and happy if you are continually doing the same old same old? This is where creativity and imagination comes in. It is literally the key to unlocking a new world for you.

But just what is creativity? If you are not a creative person by nature can you become more creative? Can you change the way you think? Not being a particularly creative person myself these are the questions I had and this little book contains the answers I found.

Within its pages you will learn the following:

The nature of true creativityTraining methods to unlock both sides of your brainExercises to increase blood flow to your brain (it helps!)Tips to aid abstract thinkingUnderstanding the different kinds of creativity

When Einstein was developing his ground breaking theories he would often step into the theater of his creative mind in order to imagine things he could not objectively see. This is why, to Albert Einstein, imagination is the true sign of intelligence. In order to change anything in your life you must first utilize your human capacity to imagine what is not there. Perhaps you won’t have to imagine how you would perceive the world as a photon of light, as Einstein did, but the process is the same. Whatever you want to do you need to conceive of it first and learning how to utilize your creative mind is the key that will unlock this door for you.

Get this book and reveal the depths of your own creative genius today!

Free on 30th Dec 16
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