
Free on 7th - 11th May 14
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Seven Guardians of the Universes Challenge Earth’s Creator.

Thomas Scribner finds himself inexplicably in the center of Times Square in New York City. He is about to experience a calamitous event. One directly related to the Guardians of the Universes’ threatened devastation of humankind. Scribner subsequently confirms the mark of the Creator is truly on him. His mission to save humanity is real.

One day earlier, Saturday, June 14, 2014. Summoned, Doctor/Professor Thomas Scribner stands before a panel of seven judges in black robes. He is to witness an inquiry…an investigation into the out-of-control human behavior on Earth. Seven Guardians of the Universes hold the eighth guardian, Earth’s Creator, accountable.

Scribner commits his life to preventing termination of Earth’s human beings. He recruits student assistants, Susan Bellwether and Andrew Brown. The cornerstone of their efforts is the story of Thomas’ encounter with the Guardians. Scribner presses to complete and publish “Words of the Creator” by year-end. In the intervening period, Thomas, Susan, and Andrew promote “The Credo,” an important part of the forthcoming book’s message.

Against the backdrop of unfolding world events and Creator threatened interventions in 2025 and 2035, the lives of Thomas, Susan, and Andrew evolve. They marry, have children, and address family challenges. Divisions among countries and people, especially those relating to religion, foment wars and violence. Water shortages exacerbate the hostilities while corporations gain increasing control of governments.

As forewarned, insufficient improvement in human behavior forces calamitous Creator actions in both 2025 and 2035. A Creator intervention beyond 2035 would be in response to continued failure of Earth’s humans to heed the messages of “Words of the Creator.” The final action would cleanse the Earth of the flawed species.

For twenty-five years, Thomas Scribner stays the course to save humanity while contending with threats, adversity, disappointments, and personal demons.

Free on 7th - 11th May 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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