
Free on 31st Jul 14 - 1st Aug 14
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CrowdFunding: The Next Big Thing – The Winning Formula

In CrowdFunding: The Winning Formula money-raising expert Gary Spirer reveals the timeless secret of raising capital and building fabulous wealth. The Secret was given to him by his mentor, Andre Meyer, the senior partner of the prestigious investment banking firm Lazard Frères and one of the wealthiest men in the world of his time. Contrary to many investment bankers Meyer was publicity-shy, even if he was an advisor to the Kennedy family and a lifelong friend and advisor to Jackie Onassis

“At Lazard, André Meyer organized SOVAC (Societé pour la Vente à Crédit d’Automobiles), a finance company that in the late twenties introduced the concept of automobile financing for consumers. It made Lazard Frères a significant force in consumer credit as well as in product leasing. André Meyer, called “the most creative financial genius of our time in the investment banking world” by David Rockefeller, became one of the most important people in American business with an influence that extended around the globe. Known as “The Picasso of Banking,” he introduced innovative financing techniques to post-War American business. During the 1960s, Meyer was responsible for making Lazard Frères the top mergers and acquisitions (M&A) firm in the U.S. He put together prodigious deals through leveraged buy outs for companies such as International Telephone & Telegraph (ITT) who grew to become the ninth largest industrial corporation in the United States.” (Wikipedia).

Spirer explains how Meyer’s Secret was counter intuitive-the opposite of what 99% of the population follows. The Secret is what the top 1% and top 1% of 1% know and implement. Spirer relates that he felt similar to Napoleon Hill who was told the secret to wealth by Andrew Carnegie. That secret became the basis for Hill’s best-selling business book ever called Think and Grow Rich. Inspired by Napoleon Hill, Andrew Carnegie and Andre Meyer, Spirer has spent 30 years studying the most successful people in the world and creating a system of principles, models and strategies that accelerate success and wealth building. He founded a softeware called DilogR to implement all these strategies, models and principles. Spirer advances his belief expressed in his best-selling book Crowdfunding: The Next Big Thing that crowdfunding -raising money online (like the TV program Shark Tank goes online) will revolutionize money raising, business building and wealth creation

In Crowdfunding the Winning Formula Spirer shows that crowdfunding is a platform made possible thanks to the recent JOBS Act. Spirer guides readers through the seven steps that any start-up business can employ to ensure success in raising money and building a business. Spirer points out that too many entrepreneurs believe that if you build a field of dreams they will come. He believes that entrepreneurs focus too much on what they feel customers want rather than truly finding out by in-field interviews and online testing. With a great idea and design, a start-up needs to thoroughly and repeatedly research and pre-test its product in the marketplace until the ideal niche is narrowed down in order to attract the most customers. He explains how to work with today’s savvy consumers, who expect to be part of the marketing conversation. Spirer’s book shares the secrets that venture capitalists have employed to identify potential blockbuster investments and how the same approaches can be deployed in analyzing crowdfunding opportunities.

Free on 31st Jul 14 - 1st Aug 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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