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The Amazing Healing Power Crystals Have May be the #1 Thing Western Conventional Health Care Does Not Want You to Know.


Would you like to reduce stress and anxiety in your life?

Or how about attracting wealth?

Suffer from physical ailments such as headaches or insomnia?

Then you need to try out healing crystals.Period.

What’s so special about crystal therapy?Well, crystals have a fascinating quality: unlike normal gemstones or glass, the molecules of a crystal are arranged in a near-perfect repetitive pattern. Sound complicated?Here is why this is important: because of this remarkable quality,each crystalischargedwith auniqueandstable energy vibration.

This is where themagic starts to happen: crystals can transform, amplify and transmit energy perfectly. Use these crystals on your body and, through a process called resonance,you will be able to heal yourself.

Ancient civilizations across time, from the Egyptians, to the Mayans and Indian tribes, have known about the secret power embedded in crystals.

More recently,celebritieslikeAdele,Kate PerryandMiranda Kerr swear by the healing effects of crystals. Adele explained how she performed one of her best shows while holding crystals in her hand. And Miranda Kerr uses them for meditation, and even admitted to sleep with her crystals nearby, in order to constantly receive their special healing energies.

By reading this beautifully illustrated book ‘Crystal Healing’, you too can unravel the secret that Western conventional health keeps from you: how you can use crystals for self-healing.

And unlike related practices like yoga, meditation, reiki and energy healing,crystal therapy is effortless. Simply wearing a crystal around your neck, or lying on your back with a crystal on a chakra will do the trick. Howeasyis that?

Did you know there are many different kinds of crystals? Clear quartz, rose quartz, amethyst, citrine, hematite, and I could go onforever!

There are crystals for every purpose. Eliminate stress and find calmness and peace again. Alleviate those headaches you have had for years. Open your third eye chakra and improve your focus. And you can even use the law attraction to attract love or wealth.

Crystals are absolutely fascinating! Wouldn’t you agree?

Here Is A Preview Of What You Will Learn:

What are Crystals?What is Crystal Healing?How to Use CrystalsHow to Open the Chakras with CrystalsEight Essential Healing CrystalsBuying Crystals: Online or in a Store?Five Tips to Get the Most out of Your CrystalsHow to Treat Specific Conditions with CrystalsHow to Cleanse Your CrystalsAnd Much, Much More! 

And as aBONUS, I will give you the chapter ‘What is Yoga’ from my other book ‘The Yoga Bible for Beginners’ forfreetoo!

Sound good? Thenlet’s get started!

Now is the day on which you can take the first step to changing your life through crystal healing.


==>ACT NOW! Scroll up now and click the ‘buy’ button to get your copy today!


Kindle editionforFREE withpurchase ofpaperback!

Free on 4th - 8th Dec 17
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