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Go from Cubicle Worker Bee to Entrepreneur!

The signs you need a change

?   Are you watching the days & months zip by with your generous 2 week vacation package being spent on things like car repair & fixing stuff on the house?

?   Your in the office most of your adult life & all this time never really getting ahead in the game all while making your employer a good sum of money?

?   Have you poured your heart and sole into projects just to see them shelved or trashed on a whim by people above you?

?   Have you done what is ask of you and even more thru out the year all to lead up to a yearly performance review where you receive atta-boy’s, maybe, just maybe if your lucky a small raise that’s usually less than inflation & health care premium increases?

?   Is your company or industry on the Right side of the Corporate Life Cycle? (i.e. blockbuster, betamax, pagers…)

?   You day dream or watch shows about Global Travel or have a passion for things like Sports Cars, Airplanes, Boating, Horses, etc but your spending all your time at the office just to pay basic bills leaving no time or money for your dreams.

?   You had to Move to a City or area of the country because “that’s where the work is” NOT because its where you want to live.

?   A change in life, Marriage, Having a Kid(s), Parents getting older where time spent with them has more value than time in the cube.

?   Watched the joy & wonder in young children around you, remembering when you felt this way at their age and noticing how you have not felt this way in a very, very long time? Where did it all go wrong?

In this book you will learn about:

?   Entrepreneur Do’s and Do-not’s

?   What path do you chose

?   Tools of change, entrepreneur training while going thru the motions of Corporate life

?   Change your mindset & creating your new normal

?   Associate Vicariously with successful people

?   Re use skills you already have

?   Test the waters / work for a win

?   Create a brand & gather a following

?   Developing Additional products and income streams

?   When to turn in your notice

?   Maximize what you get for the money you bring in.

?   Business growth vs. quality of life

Free on 18th Jul 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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