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Free on 29th - 30th Mar 14
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As a disability advocate, and successful businesswoman, Myra Goldick’s mission is to serve individuals and family members experiencing visible and invisible challenges. She provides a platform for the multi-generational community, through sharing resources, and opportunities for education and employment. The goal is to empower those among society who feel disadvantaged by ethnicity, disability, or gender orientation. .

The book examines the meaning of success and the role it plays in the quest for happiness, which is a universal and timeless need that crosses continents, religious and ethnic differences. Entire lives have been spent searching for it. Unfortunately, many people repeatedly fall short of their goal simply by not knowing how to overcome a specific obstacle. Imagine how quickly life could change if we had a system that allowed us to overcome an unlimited number of obstacles simultaneously. In Dancing on Your Disabilities, Myra explains why happiness is a choice—a “state of mind that is available to anyone who is willing to let go of old ghosts from the past, childhood misconceptions, mid-life fear, disappointment, disillusionment and do the necessary introspective work.” Myra Goldick shares how she discovered the ability to face and overcome life long health challenges. She uncovers the secret to living a happy life in the midst of chaos through self-acceptance.

What will you find within the pages of “Dancing On Your Disabilities”

• A story of personal triumph over multiple adversities

• How to appreciate your own Uniqueness

• The confidence to create your future based on your own desires

• How to turn self-hate into self–love

• The magic of letting go of childhood ghosts and self-limiting belief’s

• The practice of understanding your natural fear of failure

• How to break free of the blame game

• How to be accountable to yourself

• Find the strength within your weakness

• Discover what you want most in life

Dancing on Your Disabilities-Never Say Impossible to Your Dreams is an uplifting fast read that encourages the readers of any age to “Never Give Up.” Myra Goldick speaks from personal experience and with the knowledge that anything is possible when you believe it is. The youth of today are tomorrow’s leaders. Changing society and the way in which we think is up to those among us who can lead by example. Myra says: “We can open doors for the less advantaged by leveling the playing field.

Free on 29th - 30th Mar 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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