Ayotte delivers heartstopping action, romance, and intrigue in this brilliant sequel to the award-winning thriller Flower of Heaven. Francoise DuPont, now Queen Farah of an oil-rich Middle Eastern country, continues the search for her sons, given up for adoption at birth. Thirty-five years later, their lives now are at risk from ruthless enemies of her husband, the King. A page-turning journey from Paris to Stockholm, to the vineyards of Orvieto, Italy, and to the remote hospital in war-torn Ethiopia, Dangerous Bloodlines will keep you guessing.
Hoarfrost to Roses (Hoarfrost Mysteries Book 1)
Catford Dogs: Conspiracy and murder throw PI Miles Askew into the jaws of South London gangland.
Lover's Hymns : تراتيل عاشق
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