Author: Genre: Length: Novel

Free on 19th - 21st Apr 17
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David: Savakerrva, Book 1


A boy from Detroit – who may not be just a boy from Detroit.


“Haunted by hiss and spinning toward gloom, the river-that-wasn’t about
to swallow him in, Garth knew he would die. Yet it wasn’t the unknown he
feared, it was the sense, deep in the web of his first winter’s mind, he’d
been left once before. Stars starting to fade, the light in his eyes going
absolute black, Garth vanished into the River Afar.”


Average in most things and indifferent to the rest, Garth Smith lived in a Group
Home deep in Detroit. Bleak, the landscape. But bleaker still, his life. Abandoned
as an infant and raised by the state, this boy of fourteen saw his future in every
primer-gray Buick and gutted foreclosure, every bankrupted brick.


So he never saw it coming, that late October night. Yet if their starry arrival
shocked, if the appearance of the Zahlen Ice Warrior and owl-eyed G’mach
overwhelmed, Garth went numb at their tale, at the inconceivable creation soon
to annihilate their world. But then it all unraveled, then the tale jumped every
track, for by out-world legend?


Only someone from the Line of Kings could save them, some ancient Promise
foretold. Who lived, it seemed, deep in Detroit.


David: Savakerrva, Book 1 launches to a world at its end, a madness of Clans
and Tribes and rolling-thunder Machines. And though X-blades spark and gunships
blaze, a greater battle rages within, the fight of a boy to simply believe.


For more secrets, please Enter the River at savakerrva.com

Free on 19th - 21st Apr 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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