
Free on 25th - 29th Jul 16
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Little boy little boy,

Curled in a ball.

I know your secrets,

I know them all

I write in my journal as much as I can. I talk to Mr. Ted. He is my only friend. He understands when the bad man comes. He holds my hand when I have nightmares and my mummy doesn’t hear me cry. Mr. Ted doesn’t tell. He won’t say when my daddy hurts me. He keeps my secrets and my stories. I love Mr. Ted. He is the only one who loves me back.

Mr. Ted.

I keep falling asleep. Bad things happen. I get sore all the time. But I don’t know why. My mum says it’s a demon. Because I got evil. Please make me be good.

Where does an abused child turn when he has no one to talk to? Believing that he is evil and meant to be a victim, he tells his horrific journey to his only friend, Mr. Ted. The boy is five. In his own words through the compelling pages of his journal, he writes in terrific detail of unspeakable abuse forced upon him by his parents. Through manipulation and control, he is moulded into a creation of their own design. Fear follows close behind in the guise of the “bad man.”

His voice is no longer silent.


What readers are saying:

“Fresh writing style.”

“… a sobering look into the terrifying world of child abuse as seen through the survivor’s eyes… a five-year-old boy.”

“The reader is easily transported.”

“I found myself praying for him throughout the book. I found myself cursing and talking out loud and comforting him.”

“… then there was his childlike vocabulary, his bright mind, his utterly sweet spirit, even his ignorance of what was actually happening on every level, it was all like a buffer against the horror of it.”

“Truly horrifying, heart-wrenching story of a childhood gone wrong; hurt by the ones who were meant to love and protect him.”

“… all the more heartbreaking as the young boy tries to understand why he is “bad”, believing that is the reason that he is continuously abused and punished.”

“I’m glad I read this one. I doubt I would have been able to get through it if hadn’t been that it was written so matter of factly by the perspective of the child, talking to his teddy as he had no-one else… you can’t really say you “enjoyed” reading something like this, as it’s very painful. But it gripped me and I would highly recommend it!”

Free on 25th - 29th Jul 16
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