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Free on 9th - 11th Aug 17
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The title of this short but powerful book were the words said to me one afternoon by a local businessman who’d built an entire company from scratch, in another country, with no investors. I couldn’t tell you the actual figure he had in mind, but let’s say it must have had a fair few trailing zeros judging by where he is now.

‘Just decide how much you want to make…’ was the phrase that perplexed me in the ensuing months and years before I finally understood the power of those eight words. It was almost like some sort of grieving process as I went from utter disbelief to outright acceptance, as well as all the emotions and endless questioning in between. Could it really be that simple? You just decide how much you want to make, and go for it?

Yes, it is.

In recent years, there have been a plethora of books about making money. In fact, there is so much information out there now that I honestly wouldn’t know where to start. This is not a method per se, but a way to achieve the salary you really want; and not for the sake of accumulating money itself, as you’ll see.

What I love about this approach is its profound simplicity, and why beat around the bush? I’ve read plenty of books on wealth and money, but for anyone who’s lost in the sea of information, you need a simple focus point from which to move forward and this is it. So, let’s cut to the chase…

How much money do you want to make?

This eBook comes with a support blog where you can receive support and a personalized response to any questions you may have about working through the material in this book.

Free on 9th - 11th Aug 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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