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***** What a difference!

“I found this book to be inspiring, which is odd because I don’t like to clean. Love the information on digital clutter which is often overlooked problem of mine. The process has been liberating and I feel I can breathe in my house again.” Sara M

Declutter Guide – How to Organize Your Life in 2 Weeks or Less: Organizing tips to Simplify Your Life

Let’s face it: clutter is a BIG problem. Some people’s houses are so full of junk and clutter that they experience a never ending cycle of anxiety and depression. Many people are too embarrassed to invite friends over. Excess clutter affects relationships, can cause a home to become unlivable, and can make you feel tired and fatigued.

If you are struggling in this area and want a solution to feeling better you need this book. It can be challenging to let go of things that are sentimental and personal; however the Declutter Guide was written with people just like you in mind.

It details simple, step by step procedures that can quickly get you on the right path to having a clean, organized, clutter free home that you can be proud of. The overall goal is to set up a space that works well for your needs. You want a home that is welcoming, warm, and filled with treasures that you love and make you feel good.


Q – So, what inspired you to write your book?

A- My friends actually encouraged me to write this book. I grew up in a very organized home. As a teenager I was always attracted to lifestyle and interior design magazines. My mom introduced me to her friend who was a professional organizer. During college I was lucky to have two internships, one in my Business major, and another one was with her organizing company. Over the years I picked up a lot of tips on how to organize and more importantly how to declutter. There is a huge difference between them. My friends have begged me to share these tips with them and now I am compelled to share them with my readers.

Q – What is the difference between organization and declutter?

A- Decluttering has you take a hard look at your personal space and your life. You look at everything and ask yourself specific questions. You’ll discover why you feel disorganized, chaotic, and often drained. You are given specific tips on how to do this, in a step by step personal process. Once you have decluttered, then you can organize your items neatly in your space, so that it is more efficient.

Q- So, what makes the Declutter Guide special?

A- The Declutter guide, helps the reader discover the following:

a. Why you clutter and how to break the cycle.

b. Which items to keep and which items you MUST donate or throw away.

c. How to achieve amazing results by working systematically.

d. How to design a plan that is not overwhelming.

e. How to avoid the digital clutter trap which zaps your time and energy.

f. Declutter tips and tricks for every room in your house.

g. How to pay down debt and stop over-committing for life.

h. Learn the top secrets and tips of the most successful minimalists and clutter masters

Q- Be sure to check out my website regularly for my latest updates and to get your FREE copy of my new release, Present Moment, @arielsavant.com.

A- And Thanks for Reading

Free on 30th Mar 18
View on Amazon.co.uk


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