
Free on 9th - 13th Aug 23
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Simply Decluttering, Organizing, And Tidying Your Mind And Home Can Significantly Reduce Your Stress Level By Tenfold

With stress being so high on the agenda these days, doctors have been getting together with people such as the Dalai Lama trying to find solutions for people’s stress levels. In fact, when a CT scan was taken of a Buddhist Monk’s brain, it surprised scientists that this showed that the creative side of the brain was used equally to the calculating side of the brain and that this equilibrium made the difference between happiness and apathy. Thus, people need to be more creative. However, with all of the clutter of possessions that we have, we stop ourselves in our tracks and creativity is the last thing on our minds.

The minimalist movement has really been pushing the idea that there’s something to their ideal of getting rid of clutter and believe me, I was every bit as skeptical as you are when I first read up on it. However, after over 15 years of working with people to help them to improve their lives by decluttering, I can see categorically that the lack of clutter actually makes life more enjoyable and opens up all kinds of opportunities. Step with me over the threshold of a new life and read how you can declutter your life, your mind, your relationships – and come out of the decluttering process as someone who understands the motto that “Less is more.” It truly is. When I decided to write this book, I did so with the intention of helping others to maximize their happiness. Having seen so much misery around me, it seemed the logical thing to do. I hope that you find what you are looking for within the pages of this book. I can only sow the seed, though it’s for you to tend it and watch it grow. It will amaze you.

In This Book, You’ll Learn:

Less is Indeed More
Decluttering Your Home
Sentimental Items
Decluttering your paperwork
The rule of order

If you want to live a minimalist and clutter-free life, this book will substantially help you do so.
It’s time to take back your life and act now. Order this book for only $0.99!

Free on 9th - 13th Aug 23
View on Amazon.co.uk


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