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Free on 30th Jul 17
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Decoding eBook Strategies is NOT for advanced Authors who have already gained some success from self-publishing on Kindle Direct Publishing.

This eBook is specifically for New Authors, like me who are looking to avoid certain mistakes. This eBook aims to help new Authors avoid common mistakes made during their initial experience(s) with Kindle Direct Publishing, and lesson the action of hasty decision-making during the self-publishing process in hopes of improving the ability to plan more efficiently.

This eBook stresses the importance of investing in a project (Not just the written material, but also the book cover, and keywords), acquiring patience, and devoting time and effort in researching the market and promotional websites.

This eBook also talks about cultural consideration when creating eBooks because it is especially important if an author is attempting to reach an international market.

Also included in this eBook is a short list of websites to get started with, each one has a brief note describing the site to some degree so one may get a reasonable idea of how each site works before even visiting it, which also saves time.

Included is a bonus website, which is included as a bonus because it requires qualifications in order to submit free and bargain eBook deals.

Free on 30th Jul 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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