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Have you ever wondered why you behave a certain way in specific situations? Or pondered why certain people–your boss, your partner–act the way they do? What makes them tick? How can you navigate the path to betterment, or unearth the real ‘you’ hiding beneath layers of norms and expectations?

Welcome to “Decoding You”, a key to such revelations.

Step into the world of “Decoding You”, an intimate and enlightening guide by Arun Shankar that takes you on a journey toward understanding your deepest self. At its core, this book is a candid exploration of the enneagram and numerology–time-honoured systems that offer fresh perspectives on who you are and who you could be.

Far from an academic treatise, “Decoding You” is your friendly neighbourhood guide to understanding who you are and who you can be. It is born from Arun Shankar’s own quest for self-discovery, as he weaves together real-life stories, simple explanations, and perceptive insights. With each chapter, you’ll find yourself stepping into another layer of understanding, another corridor of introspection.

Arun Shankar invites you to join him on his own journey of self-discovery, a path that has unlocked secrets and shattered stereotypes. Numbers here are more than just numbers; they’re symbols laden with meaning. Enneagram types? They’re not boxes to confine you but windows opening up vistas of self-awareness. As you delve deeper, lines blur between the arcane and the everyday. Numbers cease to be mere digits; they echo the language of your hidden self. Enneagrams escape the boundaries of mere categorization; they reflect the complexity that is ‘you.’

Every chapter is a light in the dark, illuminating the unseen corridors of your mind. As you delve deeper, you’ll feel the lines between the mystical and everyday reality converge. You’ll begin to see numbers not just as mathematical symbols, but as messengers carrying hidden truths. Similarly, the enneagram types you’ve often met but never deeply considered will reveal their nuanced roles in your life’s unfolding drama.In a world where your role is often ascribed before your voice is even heard, this book enables you to reclaim your identity. Numbers, often relegated to just calculations, and enneagram types, misconstrued as mere labels, are given a new life here. They become the keys to unlock the doors behind which lie the rooms of your inner self.

Confused about career choices? Struggling with relationships? Or perhaps just feeling a bit lost? “Decoding You” serves as your roadmap, offering essential tools to navigate life’s twists and turns. As you read, you’ll find numerology’s hidden patterns emerge from the backdrop of your daily life, and the enneagram’s wisdom will offer new ways to understand your own behaviour and motivations.

So come along on this enthralling journey with Arun Shankar. Begin decoding not just numbers and diagrams but the very essence of your being. For in the quest to understand ourselves, every revelation is like finally stumbling upon a hidden treasure, every page turned a footprint on the sands of self-discovery.

Free on 5th - 9th Oct 23
View on Amazon.co.uk


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