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Free on 27th - 29th Mar 15
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Almost everyone has heard of the Seven Deadly Sins, but 98% of Christians cannot name all seven of them. Even those who know the names do not understand the details of the sins or how to stop committing them. The Seven Deadly Sins are the primary causes of unhappiness and can cause the destruction of your spiritual wellbeing and your eternal soul. The sins come from the Holy Bible and are mentioned repeatedly but not in one single list. Pope Gregory the Great (Saint Gregory) is credited with first putting them in one list in the year 595. He knew that we are often unaware that something is a sin, and are unaware of its consequences. By the year 1000 the majority of Christians knew all of the Seven Deadly Sins. This new book unlocks the secrets of defeating the Seven Deadly Sins. It not only gives a straightforward explanation of the sins, but also has a breakthrough series of over one hundred individual prayers designed to neutralize each sin and transform lives. These prayers go to the very core of the motivation that ends up in the action of the sin. An example of this is in the sin of anger. Seeing the world in black and white, being judgmental, and not forgiving are some of the characteristics that create and amplify anger. The prayers on anger address this anger-causing thinking. “Defeat the 7 Deadly Sins” gets additional power from numerous scriptural quotes. It is not a fire and brimstone book but an uncomplicated explanation of the complex principals of the Seven Deadly Sins. This book will change how you think about sin, and it could even change your life.

Free on 27th - 29th Mar 15
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