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Free on 17th - 20th Nov 14
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Join Thaddeus Murfee in his new career in Flagstaff, where he is called on to defend the wife of the District Attorney. She has shot her husband to death and admitted it—but what about the mysterious bite marks in all the wrong places?

Watch as sixteen-year-old Turquoise Begay comes on the scene, the beautiful, abandoned Navajo girl living reservation style—with all the wrong people. Learn about her butterflies and lip gloss–and the man who rules them all. Thaddeus is appointed to defend Turquoise by a judge whose goal in life is to see Thaddeus disbarred and ejected from the practice of law.

An adventure into the real world of criminal law, setting a new standard for legal thrillers, DEFENDING TURQUOISE is the riveting story of one lawyer’s attempt to redeem himself, one wife’s attempt to free herself, and one young girl’s hope of a new life after years of unspeakable abuse.

John Ellsworth’s driving new novel deals with murder, the pitfalls of love, and the injustice in justice.

Gathering speed in relentless courtroom encounters , DEFENDING TURQUOISE follows seasoned trial lawyer Thaddeus Murfee as he defends two accused murderers in two separate cases.

Unknown to all but one, the two murder cases are joined and become a single raging torrent; as a result, Thaddeus’ entire life and career are threatened.

This is the capstone to the young lawyer’s career in court. His own life on the record, for all to see and judge, as he undergoes yet another test of his endurance in love, freedom and faith.

Readers have already labeled this newest book “the novel of the Holiday Season.”

Interview with the Author

Q – So, what makes the Thaddeus Murfee series special?

A – It’s a mix of things, really. When I set out to write these books, I wanted to create something that mirrored exactly the kind of books I like to read. My top picks are usually legal thriller novels, any of the thousands of courtroom fiction and crime fiction best sellers, and, of course, books featuring your classic lawyer heroes. Basically, anything with a courtroom drama and fast-paced style gets my vote.

The Thaddeus Murfee books are a great mix of these genres. You’ll find the series focuses on legal thrillers and crime thrillers / courtroom drama overall, with one or two medical thrillers thrown to really challenge Thaddeus!

Overall, the Thaddeus Murfee series is designed to keep you turning the pages – and I’ve made sure there’s never a dull moment.

Q – What order should I read the books in?

A – I’ve written the series so you can read the books in any order, and all the story threads will tie up nicely by the time you’re finished. If you do want to read them in order, I’d suggest the following sequence:

– The Defendants

– Beyond a Reasonable Death

– Attorney at Large

– Chase, the Bad Baby

– Defending Turquoise

Q – So, why should readers give these books a try?

A – Because the Thaddeus Murfee series is a fast, fun, thrill-ride that keeps you up late! Each of the books has hit the 100 bestsellers list on Kindle for Legal Thrillers, and each have been featured on Amazon’s Thrillers top 100 list – which is exceptional.

Ultimately, readers who enjoy fast pacing with a plot that twists and turns all the way to the end will get a kick out of this series.

Q – Can readers get the whole series in one go?

A – First three. I’ve put together a bundle of 1-3 if people want to save a little money and grab the first three books in one swoop. Check out my author page here at Amazon for more details, and a full list of my available titles.

Thaddeus Murfee Legal Thriller Series eBook Categories:

– Legal Thriller

Free on 17th - 20th Nov 14
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