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Free on 24th - 25th Mar 18
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Explore the mysterious origin of the Universe, the evidence and knowledge of sophisticated civilizations as ancient as 22,000 years, and the possible lineage of their builders.

The human mind is not capable of grasping the universe. We are like a little child entering a huge library. The walls are covered to the ceilings with books in many different tongues. The child knows that someone must have written these books. It does not know who or how. It does not understand the languages in which they are written. But the child notes a definite plan in the arrangement of the books, a mysterious order which it does not comprehend, but dimly perceives.” –Albert Einstein

The Hubble Telescope has revealed that there are more than two trillion galaxies in the observable universe. To put this in perspective, if you hold a single grain of sand at arm’s length against the night sky, the tiny patch of sky it hides contains more than 100,000 galaxies–not 100,000 stars, 100,000 galaxies.

It is impossible not to wonder where this incomprehensibly enormous universe came from. The consensus among cosmologists and physicists is that the universe as we know it originated from infinite conditions within a singularity that not only created the universe, it created space and time, all the matter that surrounds us, and created as well the physical laws that govern our entire cosmos.

Is the essence of infinity the uncountable, the immeasurable? Or is infinity the ultimate, complete, perfect entity?” –Enrico Bombieri, Ph.D., von Neumann Professor Emeritus

Space, time, and matter are not eternal, their first emergence into being is a miracle beside which all others dwindle into absolute insignificance.” –William Knight

NASA’s Kepler Space Observatory has identified the existence of 4696 exoplanet candidates and 3414 confirmed exoplanets, that is, planets existing outside of our solar system. “Now we know that we’re just one of billions of small worlds that are very much like ours,” explains NASA’s Dr. William Kinney. “If you extrapolate that to our galaxy as a whole, which has more than 200 billion stars in it, the calculation based on the Kepler data is that there are around 40 billion planets like earth.”

We might expect intelligent life and technological communities to have emerged in the universe billions of years ago. Given that human society is only a few thousand years old, and that human technological society is mere centuries old, the nature of a community with millions or even billions of years of technological and social progress cannot even be imagined.” –Paul Davies, Ph.D.

The creation stories of civilizations worldwide relate that their progenitors came from the stars or the heavens. Native Americans recount that their antecedents were “The Sky People” and “Star Beings.” The builders of Teotihuacan describe their gods as having descended from the heavens. Egyptian texts speak of their “bringers of knowledge” coming from Sahu and Sopdit (Orion and Sirius). The pre-Tibetan Zhang Zhung traditions, those of the Mayans, the pre-Incans, the Sumerians, and so many others, all express the same account in diverse symbolic languages–their “gods” came from the stars, bringing advanced knowledge and the gift of civilization. These cultures were greatly separated both geographically and chronologically, yet their creation stories are strikingly similar and, in many cases, virtually identical. What could explain this?

Explore answers to these intriguing questions and discover knowledge that for long millenniums has remained concealed under layers of legend and secrecy. An incomparable book for anyone interested in ancient cultures, their wisdom and origin. 2017 New Release, Kindle e-reader page count 267 (estimated, count varies with the reading device used).

Free on 24th - 25th Mar 18
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