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What are the commonalities between communities where diabetes is virtually unknown?

Facts don’t lie. More than HALF of all Americans will have diabetes or pre-diabetes by the year 2020, at a cumulative cost of $3.35 trillion unless something drastically changes with U.S. health trends, according to a new analysis conducted by UnitedHealth Group’s Center for Health Reform and Modernization.

It is an alarming fact that, of late, this global epidemic has started coming up in children too. What is dangerous about type 2 diabetes is that more than 15% of people do not know that they have it. It comes up silently without showing its symptoms.

What is the possible future for these people?

Partly wasted life with potential leg, foot, or finger amputations. Erectile dysfunction and impotence. Irreversible kidney damage, with new transplant or having to be under dialysis three days per week. Potential blindness – it causes 12,000 to 24,000 new blindness cases each year in America.

Margaret Mead has said: “Life is like a parachute jump – you will only get one chance. Better get this right!”

What can you do to protect yourself and your children from the disease by best possible way and live long and healthy life?

Fortunately you can reverse your pre diabetes and with persistence even diabetes in most cases! The book provides fine examples how people have succeeded and got off the medication. But firstly it examines what are the underlying factors that cause this epidemic and peoples physical degeneration. Raising levels of reality about the subject is essential for right action and increased motivation.

‘Next step is to identify the right diet and foods and habits you should avoid as much as you can. You may be surprised, but in America there are actually still communities where diabetes is almost unknown. What are they doing differently?

Last section I dedicate to guidelines and frameworks to follow in order to change your lifestyle from self-defeating to as healthy as you want it to be with maximum efficiency and minimal effort. Yes it is possible if you get your thinking straight.

In This Book You Will Find:

IntroductionChapter 1 – The Dreadful DiabetesChapter 2 – The SymptomsChapter 3 – Diagnosing DiabetesChapter 4 – Ways to Prevent DiabetesChapter 5 – Why are Unhealthy Eating Habits and Lifestyle so Rampant?Chapter 6 – Unhealthy Eating Habits that Diabetes Sufferers should Let GoChapter 7 – Essential Nutrients Needed by Diabetics and their SourcesChapter 8 – Native Diet and Lifestyle: their Importance in Diabetes Prevention and ManagementChapter 9 – Diabetes Diet Plan and TipsChapter 10 – Taking Advantage of Low-glycemic EatingChapter 11 – Health Complications if you Have DiabetesChapter 12 – Motivation is Key in Curing DiabetesConclusion

Don’t waste your time over-thinking and analyzing, take action now!

Tags: Diabetes, Diabetes Diet, Diabetes Cure, Diabetes Solution, Insulin, Blood Sugar, Diabetes Miracle Cure, Insulin Sensitivity, Type 1 Diabetes, Type 2 Diabetes, Diabetes Info, Sugar, Blood Glucose, Diabetes Mellitus, Insulin, Gestational Diabetes, Diabetic, Hyperglycemia, Diabetic Neuropathy, Diabetes Gestacional, Insulin Pump, Diabetic Retinopathy, Diabetes Treatment, Diabetes Cure, Diabetes Reversal, Diabetes Guide, Diabetes Weight Loss, Diabetes Protocol, Diabetic, Insulin Sensitivity, Insulin Resistance.

Free on 8th - 10th Dec 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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