5 Star Verified Reviews for “Dinosaur Alphabet Soup”:
***** “Itsawesome” by Heather
***** “Dinosaur Alphabet Soup” by S McDonald
***** “Wonderful books for our little dino lover” by Medeia
Dinosaur Books For Kids: Dinosaur Alphabet Soup is a great way for primary grade children (ages 8 and under) to learn the letters of the alphabet and discover some amazing dinosaurs all at the same time. Unlike many other dinosaur books for children, this ebook is presented in a fun-filled “game play” format, where the learner interacts with the book as they read about some amazing dinosaurs (each with names beginning with a different letter of the alphabet) and then use the hints provided to attempt to guess what the dinosaur may have looked like from a set of dinosaur images presented.
This dinosaur picture book has been evaluated using the Flesch-Kincaid readability test and found to have a grade level score average of 1.84. This indicates that this dinosaur book would be best suited for children in grades 1 to 3 with only minimal parent help required. Hopefully you and your child will agree that this is one of the best dinosaur books for kids to help them learn the alphabet.