Philosophy, school of thoughts, arts, entertainment, ideologies, metaphysics and any other product of the reasoning faculty are the result of the soul realm (mind). A vast number of success books has only been dedicated to addressing this part of the soul. But the father of all inventions and creativity is the spirit realm.
Discover the force that has created our known universe and all breakthrough inventions. Studies from the first billion dollar idea, the real estate pioneer Joseph of the Bible, Michael Faraday the father of electromagnetism, the four founders of electrical engineering, the world’s first recorded millionaire and father of capitalism, Jacob Fugger, all through to the world’s first billionaire John D, Rockefeller.
The power is within reach, DISCOVER IT AND NEVER BE THE SAME!!!
In The Valley of Mystic Gods - Book One - A Chronical of Power
I'm a Product Of My Environment: Navigating the Path to Equity and Justice
Mindset Mastery: Transform Your Thinking and Unlock Your Life Potential
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