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Free on 7th - 10th Feb 15
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It’s time to DO IT BETTER! Lose weight and become more fit by upgrading your current lifestyle with 30 easy to learn fitness concepts and behavior tricks. Make gradual changes and reap the long term benefits!

Traditional dieting and exercising can be stressful and far too extreme of a lifestyle change for most people to handle. Instead of forcing yourself to starve or exercise till you’re exhausted, start with the small things first. Gradually re-organize your daily habits to better suit a fitness lifestyle, before taking more extreme measures.

If you’ve ever wondered why some people make staying fit look so easy, then this is the book for you.

Discover how seemingly simple habits and behavior tricks can produce incredible long term results. Whether you’re a beginner or someone who has already tangled in the fitness lifestyle, you are sure to find helpful tips in this book. Unlike many alternative titles that lack proof for the claims made, the content in this book is backed by scientific research where applicable and contains 50 references!

Written by an experienced fitness athlete, this book will outline numerous methods that many top fitness pro’s use every day to stay on point with their diets and training schedules.

You will learn about things like:

How to organize your lifestyle

How your mindset can take you farther than you’ve ever believed

What are the things that tempt you to cheat on your diet

How to resist temptations and food cravings

The different aspects of eating – when; where; and how.

What is the number one habit that almost everyone can do, that will get them fit

Reaching new heights with social support

And once you’re done with the book, chat up James on his social media accounts to delve even further into the benefits of the fitness lifestyle.

Don’t wait any longer, just scroll up and download your copy today!

Free on 7th - 10th Feb 15
View on Amazon.co.uk


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