How to travel in time? Each night at midnight, Owen Wilson’s character travels back time in Woody Allen’s film ‘Midnight in Paris’. He meets Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dali, Ernest Hemingway, Man Ray, Josephine Baker, F. Scott Fitzgerald, Gertrude Stein and many other famous artists that lived in Paris in the dawn of the 20th Century. When seeing the film a few years ago I started to wonder where all the artists used to hang out. Was it still possible to go to these places? Later on and after a little research I found out that many of the places where still open! Even if time has passed by in Paris a lot of bars, restaurants and hotels from that period of time haven’t changed and are still around to be re-discovered. In this book you will find a selection of those places with their history and a list of Paris’ art museums, altogether over 75 places.
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