Author: Genre: Length: Novel

Free on 21st - 23rd Apr 17
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Many take for granted a general meaning of the phrase “do the right thing.” But Dr. Arthur Lauretano, in DO THE RIGHT THING: A SURGEON’S APPROACH TO LIFE, shows the importance of taking into account context, perspective, and our individual strengths and talents in determining what is truly right for each individual and situation. Lauretano learns from expected sources such as teachers and colleagues, but also from unexpected ones–musicians, cranky patients, IV-drug users, and those suffering from terminal cancer–each of whose influence has shaped his unique outlook on career, home life, community and global conditions.


Arthur M. Lauretano, M.D., M.S., F.A.C.S., an otolaryngologist-head and neck surgeon, is currently the Medical Director of the Multidisciplinary Head and Neck Cancer Center and the Medical Director of Inpatient Specialty Services at Lowell General Hospital. He has been a clinical instructor at Harvard Medical School and is now a Clinical Assistant Professor of Otolaryngology at the Boston University School of Medicine.

The only child of a carpenter and a homemaker, Arthur grew up in Medford, Massachusetts. He was valedictorian of Malden Catholic High School, graduated from the Boston University Six-Year Medical Program, and completed his otolaryngology residency at Harvard Medical School. Arthur also has a Master’s degree in Healthcare Administration and Clinical Informatics from the University of Massachusetts Lowell. A proud computer and math geek, he lives in a suburb of Boston with his wife Adrienne, his daughter Danielle the animator, and his son Arthur the aspiring artist. Arthur is also a professional guitarist, a second degree black belt in Kyusho-Kempo karate, and is passionate about soccer.

Free on 21st - 23rd Apr 17
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