Author: Genre: Length: Novelette

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“Time management is an oxymoron. Time is beyond our control, and the clock keeps ticking regardless of how we lead our lives. Priority management is the answer to maximizing the time we have.” – John Maxwell

Do What You Want introduces you to the concept of priority management, with thought provoking questions to help you discover if you really are working towards what you want in life. You’ll learn to identify the activities that are beneficial, ones you need to cut out, and those activities that, when you add them to your daily routine, separate the truly successful from everyone else.

If you are a person that truly believes that you are here for something more. If you have a burning passion in your heart to achieve and be the best version of yourself. If you have nurtured an intense desire to be successful, but life always seems to get in the way, priority management can be the vehicle that gets you there.

Free on 1st - 4th Dec 16
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