
Free on 2nd Dec 17
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How often have you walked along the sea shore looking into the waves for a sight of these creatures, who love jumping the waves, or watched them perform in an aquatic park and wanted to find out more?

Over the centuries, adults and children have been fascinated and entertained by the fun loving mammals known as dolphins and porpoises. There are numerous stories about people who have been rescued by dolphins and it has helped create a love for and folklore about these magnificent creatures.

Watching dolphins and porpoises in their natural habitat is probably the ultimate sea-life experience. It’s difficult to remain unemotional or untouched by a dolphin launching itself high into the air or the drama of a school of porpoises racing at the brow of a boat’s wave.

This educational information book about dolphins and porpoises is packed full of fun facts, interesting differences between the species with good illustrations. It is written in an easily readable style and is packed full of photographs and depictions to assist with learning. The clear pictures are captivating whether in black and white or full color on kindle. It’s a fun, enlightening and instructive adventure into our oceans.

It will provide you with the opportunity to spend time with your children and learn with them while they read, absorb and recount the differences between dolphins and porpoises. While enjoying this book with your children, it will be provide you with the opportunity to pass your love for knowledge and nature on to them while learning at the same time. For example, did you know that dolphins can be found in rivers as well as the ocean, while porpoises are only found in the oceans?

After reading this book, your child will understand all about these interesting mammals, be able to educate you on the habitat of these creatures and tell you all about the differences between dolphins and porpoises. By reading this, they will learn how these sea mammals are so similar yet very different. Find out what they eat, where they live, the temperature of the water and how they can survive injury as well as some trivia about them.

The book will also help them to understand the environments where these fun loving creatures can be found and how they can be identified through basic differences in their appearance. Imagine how they will feel when they will be able to identify whether they have seen a porpoise or a dolphin!

This portrayal draws readers into the wonderful world of dolphins and porpoises. Discover interesting facts about their evolution, anatomy, behavior, diets, habitats, threats and trivia while being introduced to these two delightful species. It offers entertaining illumination on the characteristics of seemingly similar neighbors, that will provide a reliable reference whether writing essays, creating reports, preparing presentations, or for the pure enjoyment of reading and broadening ones knowledgebase.

“When I see a dolphin, I know it’s just as smart as I am.”

?Don Van Vliet

Kindle edition by Lionel Paxton. Download it only once and read it anytime or anywhere on your Kindle device, phones, tablets or PC. Delve into astonishing ebook features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading all about these amazing sea Cetaceans!

Free on 2nd Dec 17
View on Amazon.co.uk


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