Author: Tags: Length: Short Story

Free on 7th - 8th Nov 14
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The Chickenlivers are a unique and colorful group of fun loving who-knows-whats from who-knows-where. The main character, Po Piddy who, as you can imagine, finds himself on the short-end, back-end and front-end of every imaginable situation.

This edition is Volume 1 of a long running series of story books, which are designed to captivate a young audience with original characters, vivid colors and engaging stories.

Each volume not only delivers a different positive message without relying on influences from violence or inappropriate content, but also provides a piece of the puzzle of who or what these things are, how they live, how they interact and where they came from; however, the pieces are not presented in chronological order adding to the fun and anticipation of each volume. I can’t give you any more information or background without ruining the fun!

So, if you are intrigued, or at least know someone half your size that will be, then hurry up and order up and let the fun begin!

Hurray for The Chickenlivers, as they have finally arrived!

Free on 7th - 8th Nov 14
View on Amazon.co.uk


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