
Free on 19th - 23rd Sep 17
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Nestled within the great Orion Nebula turns an ancient circular binary star system where everything is divided and forever seeking balance, where the star you are born under determines your role in its destiny. The Red Star and the Blue have known centuries of peace, but is it a peace more deadly than war? Populations are exploding while biomass reserves dwindle under the shadow of a demigod’s ultimatum which forewarns of a divine reckoning set to catastrophically rebalance the Taiji -if humanity cannot.

In this first volume of the Duality series, join a pair of star-crossed conspirators as they put their lives on the line to uncover a mystery at the heart of the Red Star and a disillusioned monk as he traverses the span of a continent filled with natural wonders and dharma temples in his formative search for truth. Nothing is ever what it seems in the Taiji, where every being’s perception is framed and distorted by the wicked cycles of sophistry, mind-control, intrigues, and conspiracies upon conspiracies in the karmic quicksand they have been born into. Who can transcend The World of Lies?

Free on 19th - 23rd Sep 17
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