Can you GUESS what Dude is FEELING? Welcome to the world of “Dude”, where a cool little kid and one simple word take us on a journey through the world of feelings. Just like a picture can represent a thousand words, sometimes a word, can express a thousand feelings, and no other word does it as fun as “Dude”! Start at the beginning or open the book to any page and guess what Dude might be feeling, then check the back of the book to see what Dude was feeling! What might you feel? Teachers and parents love the discussions and engaged learning that happens with Dude. Kids get to recognize, expresss and expand their feelings vocabulary in a fun and simple way!
Why Juan Can't Sleep: A Mystery? (Mini-mysteries for Minors Book 5)
Magical Bedtime Stories: 12 Inspiring Fairy Tales for Kids 4-8
Elara and the Fairy World: Adventures in the Enchanted Forest
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